The Plot: Videogame designer Thomas (Keanu Reeves) finds himself questioning his reality. Plagued by distant memories and vivid dreams involving The Matrix, he encounters Tiffany (Carrie-Anne Moss) in a coffee shop. They have a moment, but then it passes. The...
“I’ve had dreams that weren’t just dreams” Get ready to take a trip back down the rabbit hole with Lana Wachowski’s THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS, the long-awaited fourth film in the groundbreaking franchise that redefined a genre. Opening in Irish cinemas...
“I am the writing on the wall, the sweet smell of blood. Be my victim.” Produced by Jordan Peele and directed by Nia DaCosta, CANDYMAN is a contemporary incarnation of the cult classic. Check out the first trailer below. For...
Writer-director Nia DaCosta’s forthcoming reboot of the ‘Candyman’ franchise has reportedly found its hook-handed villain, with reports coming in that...
“Legend has it that one day, a new King will come, who will use the power of the Trident to put Atlantis back together again.” The folks over at Warner Bros. have dropped a dazzling final trailer for the December 12th...
Cool new motion poster for Jason Momoa’s aquatic adventure, opening in Irish cinemas on December 14. Check it out below. [jwplayer mediaid=”64197″] From Warner Bros. Pictures and director James Wan comes an action-packed adventure that spans the vast, visually breathtaking underwater...