Clever mind trick HypnoticThe Plot: Austin Police detective Danny Rourke (Ben Affleck) is still trying to solve the mystery disappearance of his young...
Ben Affleck Stars in Mind-Bending Trailer for Action Thriller HYPNOTIC“Are you familiar with the concept of hypnotics?” First trailer for the mind-blowing new thriller from Robert Rodriguez, arriving in...
Watch Timothée Chalamet in Trailer for HOT SUMMER NIGHTS“This is going to be more money than either of us have ever seen.” Elijah Bynum’s directorial debut is a coming-of-age drama set during a stormy summer in Cape Cod. Also stars Maika Monroe, Alex Roe, William Fichtner, Thomas Jane,...
Chris Hemsworth & Michael Peña Ride Into Battle In 12 STRONG TrailerOn September 11, 2001 the world watched in terror. On September 12, 2001 they volunteered to fight. Nicolai Fuglsig’s 12...
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES – Featurette 'Turtle Power'Director Jonathan Liebesman and the cast take you behind the scenes of the action-packed reboot…...