Charlize Theron channels John Wick in official trailer for David Leitch’s high-stakes, global action-thriller, formerly titled ‘The Coldest City.’ The...
MORGAN (USA/15A/92mins) Directed by Luke Scott. Starring Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Paul Giamatti, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie THE PLOT: Corporate fixer Lee Weathers (Kate Mara) is sent to a remote location to balance the risk vs profit of an artificially...
‘Tale of Tales’ is released in Irish cinemas this week. Director Matteo Garrone’s first film in the English language, ‘Tale of Tales’ brings together three stories from 17th century Italian poet and courtier Giambattista Basile; a ruthless queen (Salma Hayek),...
THE MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY (UK/12A/108mins) Directed by Matt Brown. Starring Jeremy Irons, Dev Patel, Toby Jones, Jeremy Northam, Stephen Fry. THE PLOT: During World War I, Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel) travels from Madras in India to Trinity College Cambridge...
“Don’t you know what I’ve given up to be here! I have nothing.” Colonial India, 1913. Srinavasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel) is a 25-year-old shipping clerk and self-taught genius, who failed out of college due to his near-obsessive, solitary study of...
“This is it, men – our chance to play a real part in this war.” It is 1944 and World War II is reaching its climax. The Allies are poised to invade France and finally defeat the German army. But...
Based on a 17th century collection of fairy tales by Italian author Giambattista Basile, THE TALE OF TALES weaves realistic and fantastical elements together into three different storylines, one of which involves Salma Hayek eating the heart of a giant...
Character actors Paul Giamatti (‘Sideways,’ ‘Straight Outta Compton’) and Toby Jones (‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,’ ‘Wayward Pines’) have joined...