Featuring an all-star cast of British screen favourites, the Ron Scalpello-directed crime thriller follows an ex-con (Sam Claflin) determined to win back the love and trust of his family, having lost everything at the hands of a local crime syndicate...
Set at the dawn of time, when prehistoric creatures and woolly mammoths roamed the earth, EARLY MAN tells the story of how plucky caveman Dug (voiced by Eddie Redmayne), along with sidekick Hognob, unites his tribe against the mighty Bronze...
“I’m not attacking freedom of speech. I’ve been defending my right to stand up against someone who wants to pervert the truth.” Based on the acclaimed book ‘History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier,’ DENIAL recounts...
We bring you all the winners from the European Film Awards in Riga, Latvia. The 27th European Film Awards, which celebrate achievements in European cinema, were handed out tonight in a glittering ceremony at the Latvian National Opera in the...
We review this week’s new cinema releases, including NIGHTCRAWLER, OUIJA and ONE MILLION DUBLINERS… NIGHTCRAWLER (USA/16/117mins)Directed by Dan Gilroy. Starring Jake Gllenhaal, Rene Russo, Michael Pena. THE PLOT: Lou (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a driven young man struggling for money and...