10 new character posters for ‘Dark Phoenix’ tease that every hero has a dark side. The upcoming, which is expected to be the final installment in the ‘X-Men’ franchise, opens in Irish cinemas on June 5. This is the story...
“Sometimes, we want to believe people are something that they are not…” 20th Century Fox has released the second trailer for the latest X-Men outing, ‘Dark Phoenix,’ opening in Irish cinemas on June 7th. The new film is directed by regular...
‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ director Simon Kinberg has been tapped to direct the long-in-the-works remake of ‘Logan’s Run’ from screenplay by ‘The Hunger Games’ scribe Peter Craig. Based on the 1967 novel by William F. Noland and George Clayton Johnson, ‘Logan’s...
Heavy hitters to executive produce the sci-fi feature… Deadline is reporting that writer/producer Simon Kinberg (‘X-Men,’ ‘Deadpool,’ ‘Sherlock Holmes’) and...