The Plot: Having altered reality with Spider-Man, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is drawn further into investigating the multiverse. Plucky teenager America...
Hail to the king, baby. The new installment of the ‘Evil Dead’ franchise is officially on the way, Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert and Bruce Campbell – the acclaimed filmmaking team behind the iconic ‘Evil Dead’ franchise – will reunite with...
Sam Raimi (‘Oz The Great And Powerful,’ ‘Spider-Man,’ ‘The Evil Dead’) is in “early talks” to direct Sony’s English-language remake of the Oscar-nominated French hit ‘A Prophet,’ says Deadline. Directed by Jacques Audiard, and starring Tahar Rahim, the 2009 crime...
It’s been over thirty years since cinema audiences were first exposed to the “family friendly” scares of the original ‘Poltergeist’ movie, although truth be told, any unfortunate kiddies brought along to see it with their parents probably didn’t sleep very...