Hustler. Dealer. Kingpin. Informant. From Yann Demange, the director behind the Northern Ireland-set drama ’71, comes the intense true story of a blue-collar father and his teenage son, Rick Wershe Jr. (Richie Merritt), who became an undercover police informant and...
It’s Morphin’ Time. New one-sheet for the upcoming big screen reboot features all five of the colourful rangers and Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks). Saban’s POWER RANGERS follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn...
A John Hughes-style coming-of-age tale, ‘Me and Earl and The Dying Girl’ follows a teenage filmmaker (Thomas Mann) who befriends a classmate (played by Olivia Cooke) with cancer. ME AND EARL AND THE DYING GIRL opens in Irish cinemas September...