The third installment of the blockbuster Divergent series franchise, ALLEGIANT takes Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James) into a new world, far more dangerous than ever before. After the earth-shattering revelations of INSURGENT, Tris must escape with Four and...
THE TRANSPORTER REFUELED (France | China/15A/96mins) Directed by Camille Delamarre. Starring Ed Skrein, Ray Stevenson, Loan Chabanol, Gabriella Wright, Tatiana...
BIG GAME (Finland | UK | Germany/12A/90mins) Directed by Jalmari Helander. Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Jim Broadbent, Victor Garber, Felicity Huffman, Onni Tommila, Ray Stevenson. THE PLOT: Oskari (Onni Tommila) is sent into a Finnish forest on his 13th birthday...
“People will always need guys like me, right?” Ed Skrein replaces Jason Statham in the role of Frank Martin, the most highly-skilled transporter money can buy. The stakes are greater and technology better, but the same three simple rules apply:...