Acclaimed South Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook (‘Old Boy,’ ‘Snowpiercer,’ ‘Thirst’) has signed on to take the helm for a remake of the 2005 horror comedy ‘The Ax,’ Variety has learned. Directed by Costa Gavras and based on the novel by...
THE HANDMAIDEN (South Korea/TBC/141mins) Directed by Park Chan Wook. Starring Kim Tae-Ri, Kim Min-hee, Ha Jung-Woo, Cho Jin-woong, Moon So-ri. THE PLOT: In 1930s Korea Sookee (Kim Tae-ri) is sent to work in the house of a wealthy Japanese man,...
Chan-wook to direct period crime drama… Filmmaker Park Chan-wook (‘Stoker,’ ‘Oldboy’) has found his next project, a Korean-language adaptation of the 2002 Sarah Water novel ‘Fingersmith.’ Set in Victorian London, the acclaimed novel tells the story of Sue Trinder and...