“Avenge father. Save mother. Kill Fjölnir.” Arriving in cinemas this April, Robert Eggers’ action-filled epic follows a Viking prince on his quest to avenge his father’s murder. The film, shot mainly on Torr Head in Co. Antrim in 2020, with...
“These are the end times…” Coming to Irish cinemas in January 2020, BOMBSHELL is a revealing look inside the most powerful and controversial media empire of all time and the explosive story of the women who brought down the infamous...
“Legend has it that one day, a new King will come, who will use the power of the Trident to put Atlantis back together again.” The folks over at Warner Bros. have dropped a dazzling final trailer for the December 12th...
With its December 14 release inching closer, the folks over at Warner Bros. are ramping up the marketing for the Sea King’s solo outing, beginning with these colourful one-sheets featuring Arthur Curry, Mera, Vulko, Orm, Atlanna, Nereus, and Black Manta....
Warner are obviously very confident with the upcoming AQUAMAN movie, today they gave us a bigger taste of what to expect when the King Of Atlantis hits cinemas this Christmas. The new trailer teases an all out undersea war, giving us...
Cool new motion poster for Jason Momoa’s aquatic adventure, opening in Irish cinemas on December 14. Check it out below. [jwplayer mediaid=”64197″] From Warner Bros. Pictures and director James Wan comes an action-packed adventure that spans the vast, visually breathtaking underwater...