“There are people out there worth saving.” The good folk over at Paramount have released a new promo for John Krasinski’s highly-anticipated ‘A Quiet Place Part II,’ along with a new featurette teasing the post-apocalyptic thriller. Following the deadly events...
‘Peaky Blinders’ star Cillian Murphy has reportedly entered into talks for a role in the ‘A Quiet Place’ sequel alongside returning cast Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, and Noah Jupe. Directed and also starring John Krasinski, the original surprise hit follows...
If they hear you, they hunt you. John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are being hunted in new trailer for the supernatural suspense thriller, opening in Irish cinemas April 6th. Directed by and starring John Krasinski, alongside his wife Emily Blunt,...
Based on Brian Selznick’s critically acclaimed novel, Ben (Oakes Fegley) and Rose (Millicent Simmonds) are children from two different eras who secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known, while Rose dreams of...