Dakota Johnson stars in the first female-led Spider-Man spin-off in a tale that follows the origin story of a clairvoyant whose psychic abilities allow her to see into the future. Directed by S. J. Clarkson (who previously directed Jessica Jones)...
The first VENOM movie released in 2018 was a phenomenal smash at the box-office, exceeding expectations, becoming the seventh highest grossing movie of the year, with over $856 million worldwide, and set several box office records for it’s October release....
Part of the journey is the end. Here it is folks, the first official footage from the ‘Infinity War’ sequel, heading to Irish cinemas April 2019. Check it out below. AVENGERS: ENDGAME opens in Irish cinemas April 2019....
No, Your eyes are not deceiving you, that is DEADPOOL dancing beside Celine Dion. In another clever marketing twist, the insane team behind this summers long awaited sequel have released the most fun music video you’ll see today....
Take a moment from sheltering away from Hurricane Ophelia to watch the latest trailer for Marvel’s BLACK PANTHER Marvel Studios which was just unveiled today. Meanwhile the film’s star Chadwick Boseman tweeted our first look at the poster, which you...
It wouldn’t be a premiere in Ireland or England without a bit of rain… and this weeks Rock N Roll themed premiere for Guardians Of The Galaxy – Vol 2 was no different…. It poured rain, but it didn’t dampen...