Looney tune Space Jam – A New LegacyThe Plot: Ace basketball player LeBron James (himself) is approached by top brass at Warner Brothers to digitally scan himself...
Night SchoolNight School (USA / 12A / 111 mins) In short: B for effort Directed by Malcolm D. Lee. Starring...
Trailer: Kevin Hart Goes to NIGHT SCHOOL With Tiffany HaddishDirected by Malcolm D. Lee (‘Girls Trip’), the comedy follows a group of misfits who are forced to attend adult classes in the longshot chance they’ll pass the GED exam. NIGHT SCHOOL – Irish release date is September 28....
GIRLS TRIP – Red Band TrailerWhen four lifelong friends— Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith and Tiffany Haddish—travel to New Orleans for the annual...