Promising first footage from the upcoming adaptation of Joe Kelly and J. M. Ken Niimura’s graphic novel about a young girl who chooses to escape the realities of her drab life by retreating into a magical world of Titans and...
THE CONJURING 2 (USA/15A/134mins) Directed by James Wan. Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Simon Delaney, Madison Wolfe THE PLOT: When a London family is the focus of a violent and unpredictable haunting, Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine...
Up-and-coming actress Madison Wolfe (‘True Detective,’ ‘Joy,’ ‘Trumbo’) has been cast in the lead role for the graphic novel adaptation ‘I Kill Giants,’ with ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ star Zoe Saldana attached for a key role. Adapted from Joe Kelly...