World-renowned music video director Floria Sigismondi’s latest directorial feature is a horror about a newly appointed nanny (Mackenzie Davis) who is charged with the care of two disturbed orphans, Flora (Brooklynn Prince) and Miles (Finn Wolfhard). The young nanny quickly...
“If you don’t make it, everybody dies!” Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800) return in their iconic roles in TERMINATOR: DARK FATE, directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and produced by visionary filmmaker James Cameron and David Ellison. Following...
After a lengthy search, we have our new Terminator. Gabriel Luna, best known for playing the Robbie Reyes version of Ghost Rider on ‘Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D,,’ will take on the role of the titular Terminator in the upcoming sequel/reboot...
The new comedy from director Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody stars Charlize Theron as a mother of three who comes to form a unique bond with a thoughtful, surprising, and sometimes challenging young night nanny named Tully (played by...
With the 35th anniversary of ‘Blade Runner’ coming round this weekend, the folks over at Warner Bros. Pictures (via Entertainment Weekly) have marked the occasion, releasing a new behind-the-scenes featurette for the hugely anticipated sequel starring Ryan Gosling and Harrison...
Three Texas teens hope to make a break for it and escape their dead-end existence in a cotton-mill town but get sucked into the seedy underbelly of organized crime when one of them steals from the wrong man....