The Plot: Samira (Lupita Nyong’o) finds herself on the run with her cat in New York. Alien creatures with ultrasonic hearing have invaded, drawn to the slightest sound with instant effect. She encounters law student Eric (Joseph Quinn) on the...
When ‘Black Panther’ was released in 2018, it was more than just another superhero movie; it was a cultural landmark. It was the first superhero film to revolve around a Black hero and put a Black nation front & centre....
“We’ve put ourselves in danger… so others aren’t” A dream team of formidable female stars come together in a hard-driving original approach to the globe-trotting espionage genre in ‘The 355,’ coming to Irish cinemas soon. When a top-secret weapon falls...
Little Monsters (UK / Australia / USA / 16 / 94 mins) In short: A little Aussie ripper Directed by Abe Forsythe. Starring Lupita Nyong’o, Josh Gad, Alexander England, Diesel La Torraca. The Plot: Dave (Alexander England) is a...
“It’s zombies again!” Arriving in Irish cinemas on November 15, writer-director Abe Forsythe’s LITTLE MONSTERS follows Dave (Alexander England), a washed-up musician who volunteers to chaperone his nephew’s kindergarten class field trip after taking a serious liking to the fearless...
“Stick with me, and I’ll keep you safe.” ‘Get Out’ writer and director Jordan Peele returns with ‘US,’ a new tale of terror arriving in Irish cinemas March 2019. The story is set in the present day and follows Adelaide...