The Plot: Montana, the 1960s. Married couple George (Kevin Costner) and Margaret (Diane Lane) mourn the loss of their son and what this means for his young family. Their daughter-in-law Lorna (Kayli Carter) has now remarried into the Weboy clan...
Inspired by a true story, Philippa Lowthorpe’s comedy-drama follows the events of the 1970 Miss World competition, which saw the crowning of its first black competitor. Stars Keira Knightley, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Jessie Buckley, Greg Kinnear, Lesley Manville, Keeley Hawes, Rhys...
Get ready for a whole new adventure with Maleficent and Aurora as they face new threats to the magical land of the Moors. ‘Maleficent: Mistress of Evil’ is a fantasy adventure that picks up several years after ‘Maleficent,’ in which...
‘Whatever you do, do it carefully.’ Beautiful new one-sheet for the Paul Thomas Anderson’s period fashion drama PHANTOM THREAD, the final film of three-time Academy Award winner Daniel Day-Lewis. Set in the glamour of 1950’s post-war London, renowned dressmaker Reynolds...
American widow Emily Walters (Diane Keaton) lives beside the picturesque Hampstead Heath. Despite her seemingly idyllic existence, she doesn’t want to admit that she’s drifting through life without much thought to her future, finance or relationships. One day, Emily stumbles...