Inspired by a true story, Philippa Lowthorpe’s comedy-drama follows the events of the 1970 Miss World competition, which saw the crowning of its first black competitor. Stars Keira Knightley, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Jessie Buckley, Greg Kinnear, Lesley Manville, Keeley Hawes, Rhys...
“I do not collect information so that the government can lie to the British people.” First trailer for Gavin Hood’s all-star political thriller about Katharine Gun (Knightley), a Mandarin translator at the British intelligence agency GCHQ, who made headlines after she leaked a...
Things can never be the same. A feature adaptation of the bestseller by Rhidian Brook, ‘The Aftermath’ is a stunning emotional thriller about our fiercest loyalties and our deepest desires. THE AFTERMATH is set in postwar Germany in 1946. Rachael...
Irish actress Jessie Buckley (‘Wild Rose,’ ‘Beast,’ ‘Taboo’) has scored a role alongside Gugu Mbatha-Raw (‘Come Away’) and Keira Knightley (‘Colette’) in ‘Misbehaviour,’ the new comedy-drama from two-time BAFTA winner Philippa Lowthorpe (‘The Crown,’ ’ Swallows and Amazons’). Featuring a...
The folks over at Disney have unveiled the latest trailer for the lavish adaptation, arriving in Irish cinemas on November 2nd. All Clara (Mackenzie Foy) wants is a key – a one-of-a-kind key that will unlock a box that holds...
“We’re here to connect.” Director David Frankel’s Oscar-tipped COLLATERAL BEAUTY stars Will Smith as a successful New York advertising executive who retreats from life entirely following a personal tragedy. The star-studded ensemble also includes Helen Mirren, Edward Norton, Keira Knightley,...