Who said golf wasn’t funny? The Phantom Of The Open is a brand new comedy starring Oscar winner Mark Rylance. The film tells the heart-warming true tale of Maurice Flitcroft, who entered the 1976 British Open, despite never playing a...
“My child has a unique sense of humour…” THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CARING follows Ben, a retired writer who becomes a caregiver after suffering a personal tragedy. After 6 weeks of training, Ben meets his first client, Trevor, a foul-mouthed 18-year-old...
London, 1997; the British music industry is on a winning streak. Britpop bands Blur, Oasis, Radiohead rule the airwaves and Cool Britannia is in full swing. 27-year-old hit chasing A&R man Steven Stelfox (Nicholas Hoult) is slashing and burning his...