The Plot: Masked vigilante Batman (Robert Pattinson) has been out on the streets for the last two years fighting crime in Gotham City. Sobered by the fact that crime is only escalating and that he’s barely put a dent in...
Today during the DC FANDOM event director Matt Reeves introduced fans around the world to the brand new trailer for THE BATMAN. The film stars Robert Pattinson in the dual role of Gotham City’s vigilante detective and his alter ego,...
In recent years, Ireland has seen a surge of homeless people. They have become victims to drink, drugs and other social problems. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sean Kavanagh set up the Street Leagues programme...
When everyone is a target, anyone can be an enemy. From ‘MA’ and ‘The Help’ director Tate Taylor comes an action thriller starring Jessica Chastain as an elite assassin on the run. Check out the first trailer below. Ava is...
“Your father is in a complicated profession. For years, he has protected powerful secrets that have kept mankind safe.” Arriving in Irish cinemas on May 29th, ARTEMIS FOWL is the much anticipated big screen outing of Irish author Eoin Colfer’s fantasy...
“Alright Phuc. Calm the phuc down.” Opening in Irish cinemas on January 1st, THE GENTLEMEN sees writer-director Guy Ritchie returning to his gangster movie roots for an all-star ensemble following Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey), an American expat whose attempts to cash out...
From writer/director Guy Ritchie comes THE GENTLEMEN, a star-studded sophisticated action-comedy following American expat Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) who built...