New stills from Ridley Scott’s latest ‘Alien’ prequel, courtesy of Empire. Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created with Alien: Covenant, a new chapter in his groundbreaking Alien franchise. The crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a...
‘The Path to Paradise Begins in Hell’ A familiar creature returns in new trailer for the ‘Prometheus’ sequel. ‘Alien: Covenant’ hits Irish cinemas May 12th, a week earlier than the U.S. Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with ALIEN:...
Set as the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with Prometheus, Alien: Covenant connects directly to Ridley Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. It begins with the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the...
It’s been 20 years since James’s sister and her two friends vanished into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland while researching the legend of the Blair Witch, leaving a trail of theories and suspicions in their wake. James and his...