“Bring him home!” Director Peter Chelsom’s interplanetary adventure follows two teens from different worlds. Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield), the first human born on Mars, is secretly raised in an experimental colony after his astronaut mother dies during childbirth. Sixteen years...
MOVIES.IE’S ONE TO WATCH! MR. HOLMES (UK/USA/PG/104mins) Directed by Bill Condron. Starring Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Milo Parker, Hiroyuki Sanada,...
TOMORROWLAND (USA/PG/130mins) Directed by Brad Bird. Starring George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Thomas Robinson, Raffey Cassidy, Kathryn Hahn, Pierce Gagnon, Judy Greer. THE PLOT: The adult Frank Walker (Clooney) seems to have lost his faith in tomorrow. That was...
Britt Robertson to co-star… Director Bruce Beresford (‘Evelyn,’ ‘Driving Miss Daisy’) is set to team with Eddie Murphy for the drama ‘Cook.’ The film, originally slated to star Samuel L. Jackson, will see Murphy playing a chef hired by a...