The Plot: Cybertron is in a state of flux. Its leader Sentinel Prime (Jon Hamm) encourages his miner bots to scour out every last bit of energon to keep the planet going. Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and his loyal buddy...
Walt Disney Studios celebrates its 100th anniversary this year and one of the highlights honouring their heritage is ‘Wish’, an original new movie filled with nods to the studio’s past. One prominent theme in Disney movies over the years is...
‘Puffin Rock and the New Friends’ is the feature film debut of everyone’s favourite denizens of Puffin Rock. We were lucky enough to sit down with one of the creators of Puffin Rock, Tomm Moore, and they discussed the origins...
Out this week is Disney’s next big adventure Strange World. Headlining a star-studded cast are Jake Gyllenhaal, Jaboukie Young-White and Gabriel Union as the out of this world family trying to save their world. We were lucky enough to sit...
The Plot: Teenager Suzu (Kaho Nakuamura) is grieving the loss of her mother. A shy girl who longs to sing to express her grief, she’s withdrawn into herself. She instead becomes drawn to the colourful online world of U, a...
THE PLOT: Lucky Prescott (Isabela Merced), is a young girl with a wild streak, whose grandfather and aunt try their best with her but realise she needs to spend time with her father, since her mother died when she was...