Pet Sematary (USA / 16 / 101 mins) In short: Chilling Directed by Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer. Starring Jason Clarke, John Lithgow, Amy Seimetz, Jete Laurence, Hugo Lavoie, Lucas Lavoie. The Plot: Doctor Louis (Jason Clarke) and his wife...
The Crossing, an official prologue short to Alien: Covenant, reveals what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David following the events of Prometheus. Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with ALIEN: COVENANT, a new...
“The all-new Walter. Created to serve.” New promo for Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ sequel introduces the world to Weyland-Yutani’s latest synthetic, the updated version of the David-8 line. Like the recent ‘Alien: Covenant’ prologue ‘Last Supper,’ the Walter promo was directed...
Set as the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with Prometheus, Alien: Covenant connects directly to Ridley Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. It begins with the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the...