B-movie thrills StingThe Plot: Charlotte (Alyla Browne) is writing a comic book, with her stepfather Ethan (Ryan Corr) illustrating. During a snowy winter’s...
Sting – The best spiders on the big screenFrom terrifying tarantulas to cunning webslingers, spiders have a long and fascinating history in cinema. This month see’s the release...
Fast & Furiosa FuriosaThe Plot: Long after society has descended into chaos, Young Furiosa (Alyla Browne) is taken from her idyllic home by biker marauders. She’s brought to their boss, the supreme master of the desert Dementus (Chris Hemsworth). Furiosa is the key to...
COMPETITION – Win tickets to a preview of STINGArachnophobes beware! ‘Sting’ crawls into cinemas this month, spinning a web of thrilling terror when 12-year-old Charlotte’s pet spider transforms...