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Skip Woods Enlists For UNIVERSAL WAR ONE

Woods to pen sci-fi epic…

Screenwriter Skip Woods (‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine,’ ‘The A Team,’ ‘A Good Day To Die Hard’) is set to tackle the script for a live-action adaptation of Denis Bajram’s military sci-fi graphic novel series ‘Universal War One.’

Barjram’s six-part French series is set In the midst of a latent civil war between the core planets and outlying planetary settlements, where an immense wall has cut our solar system in two. Enormous, incomprehensible and terrifying, the black wall absorbs all light and matter, and it’s up to the men and women of the Purgatory Squadron, a band of soldiers given a second chance after courts-martial, to investigate the phenomenon known as “the wall.”

Umedia, the Belgian mini-studio behind ‘The Artist’ and ‘Blancanieves,’ is on board to produce.

“Skip’s work offers the grit and intelligence that permeates the world ofUW1,” said Umedia founder/CEO Adrian Politowski. “He will undoubtedly retain the essence and spirit of adventure that has made Denis Bajram’s work such a masterpiece.”

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