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Halloween DVD Competition

Starting off with simple smash and grabs, and petty crime, Lucky Kunene quickly graduates to more aggressive heists such as armed robbery and carjacking. Soon, Lucky realizes he needs a bigger score to fulfill his goals of making it big, and escaping from the slums, to a dream house by the sea. Kunene hatches an elaborate and violent plan to make his fortune – hijacking buildings from landlords of Johannesburg tenements by winning the favor of the tenants and then holding their rent hostage from the landowners. His trouble with the law, coupled with an escalating war between a local drug lord, creates a tense standoff: both sides are closing in, and Kunene must stay one step ahead?or his empire, and his life, will come crashing down.

Rob Zombie’s brutal homage to John Carpenter’s slasher classic. While faithful to Carpenter’s vision, there are some obvious changes, the most pronounced of these being the substantial focus on Michael Myers’s childhood. The film posits Michael (Daeg Faerch) as a troubled child made all the worse by a horrible home life and constant abuse at school. Zombie paints Michael’s pain with palpable grit and sleaze, but he isn’t out to put our culture on the couch; he simply wants to show Michael killing his entire family.

We have 5 copies of the DVD to give away to readers of

To try win a copy – just write a caption for the below Halloween movie still.

The best captions will all receive a DVD.

Winners will be announced here soon, so keep an eye on the site!

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