COMPETITION – Win tickets to a preview of A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE

Experience the day the world went quiet. This chilling prequel to A QUIET PLACE takes us back to the terrifying beginning, revealing the events that led to the world’s descent into silence. Starring Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff & Djimon Hounsou


The film opens in Irish cinemas on June 27th but lucky readers won’t have to wait that long, we have tickets to giveaway to an exclusive preview screening taking place in Dublin’s Cineworld Cinema on Tuesday June 25th – Keep reading for your chance to win tickets… 


To be in with the chance of winning two tickets to the preview screening on Tuesday June 25th just answer the following easy question.
Q: What date does A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE open in Irish cinemas?
(Clue – the answer can be found on this page)

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    A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE is at Irish cinemas from June 27th